When others are bundled up indoors, you are zipping through freshly powdered trails from the back of your snowmobile. The cold is no match for you and neither is the snow, but rest assured your winter escapades come with some risk. Whether you use your snowmobile for recreation or to navigate your own property in the height of winter, make sure you and your vehicle are covered against damages, injuries, and loss.
Snowmobile Rider Risks
You do your best to protect yourself when you ride; what’s the worst that could happen? As it turns out, quite a lot. You could roll your vehicle, injure yourself, damage someone else’s property, or injure a passenger or third party – and that’s just the beginning. There are plenty of other possibilities and even hazards like fire, theft, and vandalism that pose threats to your snowmobile even when you aren’t riding. From liability to physical damages protection, you just cannot afford to go without the coverage you need.
Types of Snowmobile Insurance Coverage
Snowmobile insurance policies package several different types of coverage that have been uniquely designed to reduce the financial risks associated with owning and operating a snowmobile. Your policy may include protection against:
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
If you injure someone while riding your snowmobile, the damages can add up quickly. You could be sued for the cost of hospital bills and rehabilitation, as well as lost wages and other injury-related expenses. In addition to that, there could be property damages to pay for, as well as legal fees and court costs.
With the right liability coverage, your snowmobile insurance policy can protect you against these expenses up to the limits within your policy. Our goal at Mark Leonard Insurance is to present you with coverage solutions that minimize your out-of-pocket costs after an accident. By choosing high enough limits, you can better protect your savings, assets, income, and future income against loss.
Collisions can happen off-road, too. If you run your snowmobile into a tree, a car, or even into another snowmobile, collision coverage helps reimburse you for your loss. Although the claim may be subject to your deductible, it could save you thousands of dollars in snowmobile repair or replacement costs.
Comprehensive also protects your snowmobile, only this type of coverage extends specifically to losses caused by non-collision events. This usually includes broad protection against things like natural disasters, theft, fire, and vandalism. Like collision, claims against comprehensive coverage are usually subject to a deductible.
Special Equipment
Your snowmobile may not be the same as when you bought it, and that’s just how you like it. If you’ve made upgrades to your vehicle with special equipment and other enhancements, you may need additional coverage to assure you are adequately reimbursed for your losses after an accident.
Medical Payments
We hope you never need it, but if you do, medical payments coverage can provide financial help if you need medical care due to a snowmobiling injury. Although the coverage is limited, it could be enough to pay for a health insurance deductible, emergency room co-pays and more after an accident.
Towing and Assistance
If your snowmobile breaks down during one of your excursions, you may be able to rely on your towing and assistance coverage to pay for towing to a repair shop so long as you break down close to a roadway.
St. Paul and Virginia Snowmobile Insurance
Whether you are a winter adrenaline junkie or simply enjoy the feeling of gliding through a freshly powdered trail, you face a flurry of risks when you ride. Even though snowmobile insurance is not always required of riders (laws vary from state to state), we never recommend going without this important coverage. We can help you find a policy that gives you the protection you need based on a wide range of risk variables, including:
- Make, model, age, and condition of your snowmobile
- The places you ride your snowmobile
- How many miles you ride each year
- Who you allow to drive your snowmobile
- The passengers you take with you
- What you stand to lose in a lawsuit
- And more
Whether you are still shopping around for your snowmobile or already picked out a vehicle or two, we can help you build your policy and provide an estimate of your cost of coverage.
Snowmobile Insurance Savings and Discounts
No one wants to pay more for insurance than they have to – especially when it comes to recreational coverages like snowmobile insurance. At Mark Leonard Insurance, we are trained and experienced in securing competitive rates and discounts so that we can maximize the savings for our customers. Instead of damaging the quality of your coverage, we instead compare rates on the coverage you need from multiple insurers. Then, we search for applicable discounts that could further lower your costs. These include discounts for:
- Insure multiple snowmobiles on the same policy
- Taking a snowmobile safety course
- Purchase other lines of coverage, such as homeowners or renters coverage
- Having no recent accidents or claims activity
- Paying premiums in full or setting up automatic payments
- And more
Ultimately, the snowmobile insurance policy right for you may be uniquely different from the one someone else might pick, and vice versa. Choosing an independent agent like Mark Leonard can help you keep more money in your wallet – all while getting the right coverage to fit your needs.
For more information about Wisconsin snowmobile insurance or to request your free quotes, contact our office today.